Council Of Higher Secondary Education,



  1. Notice to all the O.C.s/A.O.C.s and S.O.s of the Higher Secondary (Class XII) Examinations, 2025 regarding the opening of the sealed packets of confidential materials. Dated 18th February, 2025.
  2. Notice for the students regarding the examination Centre/venue change for the particular students for ensuing Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 11th February, 2025.
  3. Notice for modification regarding the examination Centre/venue for ensuing Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 10th February, 2025.
  4. Notice for the students regarding the examination Centre/venue change for the particular students for ensuing Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 10th February, 2025.
  5. Notice for the students of Borobekra Govt.HSS and Jiribam HSS for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 7th February, 2025.
  6. Notice for the students of Borobekra Govt.HSS and Jiribam HSS for the ensuing Class-XI Examinations, 2025. Dated 7th February, 2025.
  7. Notice to all concerned regarding the last date for uploading of practical marks of the Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 4th February, 2025.
  8. Partial modification regarding the announcement of the list of examination venues/centres with allotted constituent Institution and the candidates appearing at the for the ensuing Class-XI and Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 4th February, 2025.
  9. Notification of the Examination Centres/Venues for ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2025. Dated 3rd February, 2025.
  10. Notice to all concerned regarding the meeting of the Supervising Officers, Officers-in-Charges and Flying Squard Team Members for the ensuing Class-XI and Higher Secondary Examinations, 2025. Dated 28th January, 2025.
  11. Notice to all the Principals\Heads of Institutions regarding refixing of last date for registration and submission of registered for 8th EDITION PARIKSHA PE CHARCHA 2025. Dated 3rd January, 2025.
  12. Notice to all the Principals\Heads of Institutions regarding about 8th EDITION PARIKSHA PE CHARCHA 2025. Dated 31th December, 2024.
  13. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding issuing of admission cards of the eligible candidates for the ensuing Class XI and the Higher Secondary (Class XII) Examinations, 2025. Dated 19th December, 2024.
  14. Notified information to all the concerned Principal for submission of the list of teacher for Inspection Teams come Flying Squad Member for ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2025. Dated 16th December, 2024.
  15. Notified information to all the concern under COHSEM that Dept. of School Education & Literacy, Minister of Education, GOI is organising "Mega APAAR DIWAS". Dated 29th November, 2024.
  16. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding the Higher Secondary Practical Examinations, 2025. Dated 2nd December, 2024.
  17. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding offline submission of Enrolment and Registration for Class XI and Class XII, 2025. Dated 29th November, 2024.
  18. Notified information to all the concerned about the Programmes (Time Table) for Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2025. Dated 29th November, 2024.
  19. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding rescheduled for submission of completed application form for the ensuing Class XI & Higher Secondary (Class XII) Examinations, 2025. Dated 26th November, 2024.
  20. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding exemption of enrollment and registration fee. Dated 21st November, 2024.
  21. Notification for general information to all the concerned regarding modification of scheme for offering MIL or Alternative English. Dated 15th November, 2024.
  22. Notification to all the concerned regarding the extension for filling up of National Scholaship for Central Sector Scheme. Dated 5th November, 2024.
  23. Notification to all the concerned regarding the issuing of examination forms for the ensuing Class XI and Higher Secondary (Class XII) Examination,2025. Dated 5th November, 2024.
  24. Notification to all the concerned regarding the schedule for the practical Examination for the Higher Secondary Examination. Dated 28th October, 2024.
  25. Notification to all the concerned regarding extention for the submission for candidates in different categories in offline for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2025 . Dated 22nd October, 2024.
  26. Notification to all the concerned regarding extention for the submission of offline submission of Enrolment and Registration for Class XI and Class XII. Dated 21st October, 2024.
  27. Notification to all the concerned regarding offline submission of Enrolment and Registration for Class XI and Class XII. Dated 9th October, 2024.
  28. Notification to all the concerned regarding schedule for the practical Examination for the Higher Secondary Examination. Dated 7th October, 2024.
  29. Notice to all concern for the new Design of Question Paper, sample/model of Assertion Reason and Source-based/Case-based. Dated 4th October, 2024.
  30. Notice for extention of obtaining Eligibility Certificate for the academic session, 2024-2025. Dated 1st October, 2024.
  31. Office memorandum regarding excluding of salutations Mr./Ms. from their documents (particularly migrated from the Nagaland Board of Secondary Education). Dated 27th September, 2024.
  32. Notification to all the concerned head of Institutions for issuing of Original Certificates of the Higher Secondary Examination, 2021 . Dated 18th September, 2024.
  33. Notification to all the concerned head of Institutions for updating the list of Teachers of different subjects for engaging in the confidential works of the coming HSE 2025. Dated 4th September, 2024.
  34. List of students that are permitted to appear in the ensuing HSE-2025 in the category of "Improvement in one subject" . Dated 2nd September, 2024.
  35. List of students that are permitted to appear in the ensuing HSE-2025 in the category of "Improvement in one subject" . Dated 29th August, 2024.
  36. List of students that are permitted to appear in the ensuing HSE-2025 in the category of "Improvement in one subject" . Dated 22nd August, 2024.
  37. Notification To all the concerned head of Institutions for extention of the ensuing HSE-2025 for certain catagories of students . Dated 30th August, 2024.
  38. Notice for extention of Enrolment & Registration for the academic session, 2024-2025. Dated 30th August, 2024.
  39. Notice for extention of obtaining Eligibility Certificate for the academic session, 2024-2025. Dated 30th August, 2024.
  40. List of students permitted to appear in the HSE 2025 in the category of "Improvement in one subject". Dated 16th August, 2024.
  41. Notification for replacement of Design of Question Paper of 9 subjects. Dated 31st July, 2024.
  42. Notified information to all regarding Scholars of the PM_USP "Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College And University Students". Dated 31st July, 2024.
  43. Notification for form submission for different categories of candidates for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2025. Dated 24th July, 2024.
  44. Notice for online submission of Enrolment for Classes XI and XII to the Council website and Guidelines to be observed. Dated 17th July, 2024.
  45. Notified information to all the concerned regarding modification of Health & Physical Education syllabus. Dated 28th June, 2024.
  46. Notified information to all the concerned regarding issuing of Original Statement of Marks for Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2024. Dated 27th June, 2024.
  47. Notified information to all the regarding new Design of Question Papers, 2024. Dated 18th June, 2024.
  48. Notice for Rechecking of answer scripts for Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 13th June, 2024.
  49. List of category-wise top-20 percentile cut-off marks of successful candidates for Higher Secondary Examination, 2024.
  50. Notice for extension of submitting examination forms for the ensuing Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2024. Dated 3th June, 2024.
  51. Notice for extension of submitting Institutional Annual Report for 2023-2024. Dated 29th May, 2024.
  52. Notice for extension of submitting Annual Recognition fee. Dated 29th May, 2024.
  53. Notified information to all the concerned about the Programmes (Time Table) for Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2024. Dated 27th May, 2024.
  54. Notification of Fee Structures for Re-Checking of Answer Scripts (Theory paper only) for HSE-2024. Dated 22nd May, 2024.
  55. Notified information to all concerned about the terms and conditions for submission of Application Forms for Hr. Sec. Improvement Examination, 2024. Dated 21st May, 2024.
  56. Notice for issuing of Marsheet of Hr. Sec. Examinations, 2024 and issuing of Application Forms for the eligible candidates of Hr. Sec. Improvement Examination, 2024. Dated 20th May, 2024.
  57. Notification to all the withheld candidates of the Higher Secondary Examinations, 2024. Dated 15th May, 2024.
  58. Notice for obtaining Eligibility Permission from Council. Dated 15th May, 2024.
  59. Notice for last date of submission for Practical Marks and related documents/materials for HSE-2024. Dated 24th April, 2024.
  60. Notification for One-Day Orientation Programme on National Education Policy 2020 in Higher Secondary Level. Dated 5th April, 2024.
  61. Notice to all the Head Examiners and other Examiners for Group Discussion of Evaluation of Answer Scripts for Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 22nd Mar, 2024.
  62. Notification for online registration of E-mails and online submission of HSE practical marks and Class-11 Tabulations, 2024. Dated 20th Mar, 2024.
  63. List of Member of the Inspection Team Cum Flying Squad of the Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 20th Feb, 2024.
  64. Duty Roster of Inspection Team cum Flying Squad of the Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 20th Feb, 2024.
  65. Notification regarding the change of safe custody of Bar Code for the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 19th Feb, 2024.
  66. Notification regarding the partial relocation of Examination Centre/venues for the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 15th Feb, 2024.
  67. Notification regarding the partial modification of Examination Centre/venues for the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 14th Feb, 2024.
  68. Notified information to all the concerned about the Examination Venues/Centres for Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 10th Feb, 2024.
  69. Notification regarding the rules to be observed for the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 7th Feb, 2024.
  70. Notification of opting Exam Centres by candidates of Jiribam Hr.Sec.School, Jiribam and Borobekra Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Jiribam for upcoming Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 31st Jan, 2024.
  71. Notified information to all the concerned about the meeting of Supervising Officers, Officer-in-Charges and Flying Squad for Class-XI & XII Higher Secondary Examinations, 2024. Dated 30th Jan, 2024.
  72. Notified information to all the concerned about the issuing of Admission cards for Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 25th Jan, 2024.
  73. Notice for extension for Online & Offline Submission of Examination Forms for Class-XI & XII Higher Secondary Examinations, 2024. Dated 17th Jan, 2024.
  74. Notice for applying Online Migration Certificate from COHSEM's website Dated 12th Jan, 2024.
  75. Notice for Extension for Applying for Central Sector Scholarship for College and University Students for the Academic year 2023-24. Dated 5th Jan, 2024.
  76. Notified information to all the concerned about the Programmes (Time Table) for Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2024. Dated 10th January, 2024.
  77. Notice for Online Submission of Examination Forms for Class-XI & XII Higher Secondary Examinations, 2024. Dated 5th Jan, 2024.
  78. Notice to all concerned Head of Principals/Institutions for exemption of Enrolment and Registration Fees. Dated 29th Dec, 2023.
  79. Notification for online Multiple Choice Question competition for the the 7th Edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024. Dated 27th Dec, 2023.
  80. Notification for refix of submission of completed application forms in respect of enrolleed students for the ensuing Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2024 . Dated 20th Dec, 2023.
  81. Request for submission of list of Lecturers/Assistant Professors/Associate Professors for inspection of examination centres/venue of the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination,2024 . Dated 6th Dec, 2023.
  82. Notification for issuing of the examination forms for the ensuing Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2024 . Dated 8th Dec, 2023.
  83. Notice for extension of non-Regular Category for the Higher Secondary Examination, 2024 . Dated 7th Nov, 2023.
  84. Notification for issuing of Original Certification for the Higher Secondary Examination, 2020 . Dated 6th Nov, 2023.
  85. Notification for offline submission of Enrolment and Registration of Class XI and Class XII . Dated 3rd Nov, 2023.
  86. Notice for further extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 30th Oct, 2023.
  87. Notification for Examiners/Evaluators of different subjects of the ensuing HSE-2024 . Dated 20st Oct, 2023.
  88. Notification for extension for online submission of Enrolment and Registration of Class XI and Class XII . Dated 20st Oct, 2023.
  89. Notice for new Design of Question Papers to be implement from the Higher Secondary Examination,2024 . Dated 17th Oct, 2023.
  90. Notice for the eligible candidate/scholars for scholarship under "Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students". Dated 16th October, 2023.
  91. Notice for further extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 13th Oct, 2023.
  92. Notification for extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 4th Oct, 2023.
  93. Notification for extension for online submission of Enrolment and Registration of Class XI and Class XII . Dated 29st Sept, 2023.
  94. Notification for the change of curriculum for the Improvement Examination. Dated 27th Sept, 2023.
  95. Notice for publication of Class-XI History text book entitled "Themes in World History and Regional History (Manipuri)". Dated 26th Sept, 2023.
  96. Notification for different categories of students willing to appear in the ensuing Higher Sec. Examination,2024. Dated 26th Sept, 2023.
  97. Notification for extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 25th Sept, 2023.
  98. Notification for extension for online submission of Enrolment and Registration of Class XI and Class XII . Dated 21st Sept, 2023.
  99. Notification for extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 15th Sept, 2023.
  100. Notification regarding enrolment and registration fees of the Displaced students. Dated 13th Sept, 2023.
  101. Notification for issuing of Original Statement of Marks of the Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2023. Dated 13th Sept, 2023.
  102. Notification regarding subjects, Fine Arts, Manipuri Dance and Music, can be offered by students of both Arts and Science Group od studies as Elective subject. Dated 5th Sept, 2023.
  103. Notification regarding the steps taken to fecilitate the displaced students of the recent violence in pursuing their studies . Dated 6th Sept, 2023.
  104. Notification for extension for online submission of Enrolment and Registration of Class XI and Class XII . Dated 6th Sept, 2023.
  105. Notification for extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 31st August, 2023.
  106. Notification regarding the Centres for the Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2023. Dated 28th August, 2023.
  107. Notice of Programme (Routine) for Higher Secondary Improvement Examination,2023. Dated 28th August, 2023.
  108. Notification for the extension of examination forms submission for Higher Secondary Improvement Examination,2023. Dated 11th August, 2023.
  109. Notification for online enrollment and registation for Class-XI and Class-XII. Dated 7th August, 2023.
  110. Application form for registration of Class-XI.
  111. Application form for registration of Class-XII.
  112. Notification for extension for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 31st July, 2023.
  113. Notification for Syllabus modification/rectification. Dated 20th July, 2023.
  114. Notification for obtaining Migration Certificate for students affected by the recent violence in the state through the Deputy Commissioner of the District concerned, 2023. Dated 20th July, 2023.
  115. Notification for obtaining Migration Certificate for students affected by the recent violence in the state, to be applied to COHSEM, 2023. Dated 19th July, 2023.
  116. Notification for issuing of Admit Cards for the Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2023. Dated 12th July, 2023.
  117. Notification for submission for the Higher Secondary Improvement Examination, 2023. Dated 3rd July, 2023.
  118. Notification for applying for Eligibiliy permission for admission in Class XI/XII under the Council of Hr. Sec. Edn.,Manipur. Dated 16th June, 2023.
  119. Notified information to all the concerned for submission of Annual Report. Dated 3rd June, 2023.
  120. Notified information to all regarding method of printing for Certificates. Dated 31st May, 2023.
  121. Notified information to all the concerned for submission of Annual Report. Dated 11th April, 2023.
  122. Notified information to all the Principals for the guidelines issued by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. Dated 10th April, 2023.
  123. Notified information to all the concerned Principals/Heads of the institutions of Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges for Pratical and Tabulation sheet for XI Examination, 2023. Dated 29th March, 2023.
  124. Notified information to all the concerned Head Examiners/Asst.Head Examiners and Examiners for Subject-wise Group Discussion Session on Evaluationof Answer Scripts. Dated 28th Mar, 2023.
  125. Notified information to all the concerned Principals/ Heads of the Institution of Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges under the council for the practical confidential materials of Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 24th Mar, 2023.
  126. Additional information for appointment as members of the INSPECTION TEAM cum FLYING SQUADS of the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 21th Feb, 2023.
  127. Notified information for the appointment as members of the INSPECTION TEAM cum FLYING SQUADS of the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 20th Feb, 2023.
  128. Notified information for the partial modification of Examination Venues/Centres for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 10th Feb, 2023.
  129. Notified information for the Examination Venues/Centres along with the constituent Institutions for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 08th Feb, 2023.
  130. Notified information to all for the meeting of the Supervising Officers,Officer-in-Charges and Flying Squad members for ensuring Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 6th Feb, 2023.
  131. Notified information to all regarding the issuing of Certificate for Techniques of Paper Setting & Evaluation Workshop which was held from 12th Sept to 8th Oct, 2022. Dated 7th Feb, 2023.
  132. Notification to the Candidates appearing for the Higher Secondary Examinations, 2023 and to the general public for the smooth and fair conduct of the examintaion. Dated 3rd Feb, 2023.
  133. Notification for issuing of Admit Cards for Class XI and Higher Secondary Examinations, 2023 from 8th February onwards. Dated 2nd Feb, 2023.
  134. Request for submission of list of Lecturers/Assistant Professors/Associate Professors for inspection of examination centres/venue of the ensuring Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 16th January, 2023.
  135. Notified information to all the concerned about the Progrmmes (Time Table) for Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination, 2023. Dated 13st January, 2023.